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صور : دي خيا أكثر من مجرد حارس مرمى ..!


لاشك بأن الاسباني ديفيد دي خيا حارس مرمى مانشستر يونايتد هو من أفضل حراس المرمى في العالم ، وهو أحد افضل الحراس في طريقة تصديه للكرات الخطيرة .

فبالرغم من الشكوك التي كانت تحيط بالحارس الاسباني عند انتقاله لانجلترا والانتقادات الكثيرة التي نالها إلا أنه أثبت في مرات عديدة أنه حارسا من طينة الكبار وأنه يستحق حراسة مرمى الشياطين الحمر .

ولكن حارس الاتلتيكو السابق ليس فقط جيدا في حراسة المرمى بل جيدا أيضا في تسجيل الاهداف ، حيث سجل هدفا رائعا في تدريبات المنتخب الاسباني تحت 21 عاما .

شاهد الهدف بالصور :

David De Gea finally cemented himself as Manchester United’s undisputed first-choice goalkeeper last season but the youngster has shown he is just as handy at the other end of the field. De Gea is currently away with the Spain U-21 side for the European Championships in Israel and demonstrated in training he can hit a mean free-kick, bending in from 20 yards. The former Atletico Madrid man has always looked comfortable on the ball during his two years at Old Trafford. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2336919/Manchester-Uniteds-goalkeeping-ace-David-De-Gea-bends-wonder-free-kick.html#ixzz2VRnTRB7T  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

David De Gea finally cemented himself as Manchester United’s undisputed first-choice goalkeeper last season but the youngster has shown he is just as handy at the other end of the field. De Gea is currently away with the Spain U-21 side for the European Championships in Israel and demonstrated in training he can hit a mean free-kick, bending in from 20 yards. The former Atletico Madrid man has always looked comfortable on the ball during his two years at Old Trafford. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2336919/Manchester-Uniteds-goalkeeping-ace-David-De-Gea-bends-wonder-free-kick.html#ixzz2VRnTRB7T  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


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